Monday, September 30, 2019

The work of Langer & Rodin

To explore the effects of decision-making and responsibility on residents in a nursing home, Langer and Rodin gave residents a houseplant. Residents were to make all the decisions about when and how much to water and how much sun to give their plant. Resident in the experimental group were also given other choices such as where they would prefer to receive visitors, whether they wanted see the weekly movie and which evening they wanted to attend (a movie was played on Thursdays and replayed on Fridays), etc. A comparison (control) group were also given plants but told that the nurses would take care of them. Those in this group were not encouraged to make decisions for themselves but were told that staff was there to help them. Issues were as similar as possible with the experimental and comparison groups except for the distinctions about who was in control and responsible for decisions. The researchers used various behavioural and emotional measures to judge the effect of the encouragement, for example, participation in activities at the nursing home, how happy the residents felt and how alert and active the residents were. Clear and dramatic improvement was made in the group given more responsibility. Eighteen months after the study the researchers returned and again performed the outcome measures. The residents who had been given more responsibility were still significantly more active, vigorous and sociable than those in the comparison group. The experimental group also asked more questions during a lecture that Judith Rodin gave. During this return trip physical health was measured. Prior to the study the two groups had been in similar health based on their medical records. However, eighteen months later the health of the experimental group had improved while that of the comparison group had worsened. The most striking discovery was mortality rate. Only seven of the 47 residents in the experimental group had died whereas 13 of the 44 residents in the comparison group had died (15% versus 30%). These results have been confirmed by much research since the time of the original experiment. To improve this experiment they could have looked for other areas where choice can be given back to residents such as dining, bathing, and placement of personal items in their room. Record the outcomes. Watch to see if over time there are changes in activity participation, alertness and affect of residents. As this experiment proceeds it would be good for staff to discuss amongst themselves how to change their own perspective to maximize residents' sense of independence, freedom and involvement. The relation between health and a sense of control may grow stronger in old age. This could occur through three types of processes: experiences particularly relevant to control may increase markedly in old age; the association between control and some aspect of health may be altered by age; and age may influence the association between control and health-related behaviours or the seeking of medical care. Studies show that there are detrimental effects on the health of older people when their control of their activities is restricted; in contrast, interventions that enhance options for control by nursing home patients promote health. With increasing age, however, variability in preferred amounts of control also increases, and sometimes greater control over activities, circumstances, or health has negative consequences including stress, worry, and self-blame. Mechanisms mediating the control-health relation include feelings of stress, symptom labelling, changes in the neuroendocrine an d immune systems, and behaviour relevant to health maintenance. * Work which very clearly supports Langer & Rodin is that of Marmot et al (1997) and the study of civil service office workers: – Marmot et al (1997) Marmot and his co-workers devised an experiment to determine the association between adverse psychosocial characteristics at work and risk of coronary heart disease among male and female civil servants. There were self-report questionnaires provided for information on psychosocial factors of the work environment and coronary heart disease. Independent assessments of the work environment were obtained from personnel managers. Setting: London based office staff in 20 civil service departments. Subjects: 10308 civil servants aged 35-55 were examined-6895 men (67%) and 3413 women (33%). Results: Men and women with low job control, either self reported or independently assessed, have a higher risk of newly reported coronary heart disease during the follow up. Job control was assessed on two occasions three years apart, although intercorrelated, had cumulative effects in newly reported disease. Subjects with low job control on both occasions have an odds ratio for any coronary event of 95% compared with subjects with high job control at both occasions. This association could not be explained by employment grade, negative affectivity, or classic coronary risk factors. Job demands and social support at work were not related to the risk of coronary heart disease. Conclusion: Low control in the work environment is associated with an increased risk of future coronary heart disease among men and women employed in government offices. The cumulative effect of low job control assessed on two occasions indicates that giving employees more variety in tasks and a stronger say in decisions about work may decrease the risk of coronary heart disease. * Whereas the work done by Brady (1958) in the ‘Executive Monkey' experiment completely goes against Langer, Rodin and Marmot: – Brady tested groups of monkeys to determine which were the quickest learners; they would then be chosen to take the place of the ‘Executive Monkey'. The executive monkey is then sat in a harness with its feet touching the floor allowing almost complete mobility, the non-executive monkey is sat in the other harness so that it cannot touch the floor, both harnesses are connected to a bar that in turn is attached to a pivot. A bell would sound and the exec. Monkey would have 20 seconds to get to a switch, if he did not manage to get to the switch in time, both monkeys would be given an electric shock. Brady discovered that the best way to conduct this experiment was to put the monkeys 6 hours in then 6 hours off, this was found to be the best way to stress them. Around 23 days into the experiment the executive monkey would die from stomach ulcers, due to the stress. > We could argue that the monkey had the control over whether they got shocked or not and yet it still got stressed and died, which would then completely dis-prove Langer & Rodin. > But you could also argue that the exec. monkey got stressed from having to get to the switch and its also possible to say that the executive monkey didn't have complete control, i.e. they couldn't turn the electric shocks off completely, and so got stressed from having to continuously press the switch. * Weiss (1972) repeated Brady et al's experiment but with rats this time: – He found that giving feedback on successful shock avoidance (by sounding a tone) reduced ulceration in executives to below that of the non-executive rats. The feedback tells the animal it has avoided shocks and increases its ‘sense of control' over the situation. The non-executive animal cannot respond and lacks any control at all over what's going on, this leads to more ulceration. ==> By comparing Brady and Weiss' experiments it's very clear to see that the idea of a ‘sense of control' separates the two. Not as many animals will die in Weiss' as in Brady's, the rats don't feel as stressed as the monkeys because they feel more ‘in control'. These studies also show the importance of control and feedback on successful coping in reducing levels of stress.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

MIS Coursework

Answer 12: The intelligent techniques are the various ways into which the humans would devise an electronic device to perform what they do with their intelligence and manual energy. The various intelligent techniques would make sure that all the various collaborations among the machines are invested into various kinds of expertise which are required for making it replace human efficiency for productive use of time and effort. The behavioral attitude and the exposure which is required for fetching the right kind of mannerism and exact pattern matching on the part of the electronic devices for making them to perform in line with the humans. The intelligent devices are of great interest to the businesses for knowledge management as they are required to manage the data which is very crucial for making the gross transition towards the management of knowledge and its successful retrieval. The organizational attitude towards various forms of knowledge must be understood and dealt accordingly with respect to demand. The priority of knowledge derivation and data warehousing would make sure that all the various forms of knowledge would be handled and managed for its being when a lot of evaluative and intelligent analysis is required for the job. Various patterns of knowledge are crucial to businesses to predict future actions and make help them in decision making in businesses. The various forms of decision making require valid data and information to derive at business solutions. The various differences between human intelligence are as follows: Human beings think and behave rationally while AI imitates the actions and behavior of human beings and their thinking and reasoning process. Human intelligence makes the computers intelligent and automates the activities like decision making, problem solving, learning and reasoning process so that still it can remain within human control. Answer 13: Expert systems are a branch of computer science, which deals with the study and creation of computer system that exhibits some form of intelligence. AI is the process of making machine intelligent, so that it can perform well and efficiently in absence of human beings. It is system that performs either of the following: i.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Learns new concepts and tasks. ii.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Reason and draw conclusion. iii.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Able to explain iv.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Process natural language. It is the process of developing computer programs to solve out complex problems by application of processes analogous to the human reasoning process. It is a system that thinks and behaves rationally like human. This definition has got two major parts: Computer solution for major problems is one where regular software exists Process, which is analogous to the human reasoning process, is the distinguishing feature of AI programs. Characteristics of AI programs: i.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   AI programs manipulate symbolic information to a large extent in contrast to the conventional program. ii.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   AI program has combinatorial explosion of solution. iii.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   AI programs deal with real life problems to a large extent. iv.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A vital characteristic of AI program is that it is easy to learn. Intelligence requires knowledge and knowledge should have some desirable properties. AI technique is a method that exploits the knowledge that should be represented in such a way that 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Knowledge captures generalization i.e. it is necessary to group the objects together, which share important and common properties. ii.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It can be understood by people, who must provide it. iii.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It can easily be modified to correct errors and reflect changes in the world and in the world’s view. iv.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It should have a wide application and implementation area, even though it is incomplete and inaccurate. v.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It should be used to overcome narrow range of possibilities. Advantage: Generalized and self-explanatory like search strategies for knowledge representation. Disadvantage: Voluminous, hard to characterize and constantly changing. Three important AI techniques: i.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Search: It provides a framework in which any available direct technique can be embedded. It provides a problem solving method for which no more direct approach is available. ii.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Use of knowledge: Provides a way of solving complex problem, by exploiting the structure of objects involved. iii.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Abstraction: Provides a way of separating out important features and variations from unimportant ones. Expert systems help in knowledge management as the ability to learn from the environment and make decisions would contribute to the very catering of knowledge and its usage. The expert systems utilize knowledge and skills to a very large extent and make enough judgment for making a right mark.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Real World Experience #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Real World Experience #2 - Essay Example I am running a small business of ready-made dresses. I have hired some labor workers who are working at the back office while all the dealings at front office are conducted by me. From the last two months I have been observing that the quantity of the final dresses at the end of month is decreasing. Though the quality of the clothes and the work was same but problem was with the number of dresses. I was in trouble that if the quantity continues to decrease it will definitely adversely affect the sales and thus whole revenues will be disturbed. Now my focus was to find out the cause behind the fallen quantity of output product. After careful analysis of the workers I caught the reason. They were wasting their time in idol talking and many other such small activities which actually kills their valuable time but they were unknown to this fact. They had the potential to do more and in an enhanced quality but they were misusing their precious time. Now the responsibility came on my shoulders. I had to choose a middle way that will solve the problem and also employees may not feel anything bad about their work place behavior. I believe on performance management concepts very much. My opinion is that the incentives and bonuses really boost up the energy of the employees. And the research has also proved that the rewards really pump up the employees (Mayhew, 2013). So I did the same trick in my problem. I announced that the bonus which was given annually to the employees is now attached with the monthly performance of the employees. Every single employee will be rewarded more whose output is more than others. According to my opinion this would definitely work and by luck I got the best results. The output quantity was increased in the very next month because employees really work hard to earn more bonus reward. Therefore it

Friday, September 27, 2019

Toyota Marketing in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Toyota Marketing in China - Essay Example Sales of marketable vehicle in the country are forecasted to grow at a CAGR of around 5.5% during 2008-2010. Based on the past performance, it is projected that passenger car sales will cross 11 Million Units in 2010. China is the world's second largest car market. It overtook Japan just last year and is challenging to become the world's largest automobile market. The industrial revolution in China has prompted development and growth in the middle-class of China and the automobiles have translated into a symbol of prestige. Toyota was a latecomer to the China market. Within its global strategies, North America is the top priority, followed by its home country Japan. China has been included in Toyota's top development strategy in recent years with its first China-made VIOS sedan produced in Tianjin in October 2002. Considering China as an immature auto market, the company had adopted a three-stage development plan -- first to establish a local sales network and launch brand promotions, then to build auto parts manufacturing bases, and, finally, to establish joint ventures (JVs) with local players and produce automobiles. Although a latecomer, Toyota has jumped to the front in terms of imported car volume -- 50,000 units annually (Jiang, 2004). The company stepped into the most important and critical stage -- speeding up the localization of its products, since its rivals, such as Honda and General Motors, started accelerating their saturation into China. After the market entry of the Prado and Land Cruis er with China's First Automobile Works, its manufactured goods with Guangzhou Automobile Manufacturing Co -- Camry, which was a great success in the Untied States, was also developed. Forbes magazine comments on Toyota's success in the US auto market, saying that once the company sets goals, it will manage to exceed the targets. What is more demanding to its rivals is Toyota's approach to realize these goals. That estimation may well apply to its China development. Although Toyota missed the first opportunities, it will likely catch up if it pays more attention to the China market and introduces high-end brands. Toyota may scale back its ambitious target of selling more vehicles in the United States this year than it did in 2007, as damage from an economic slowdown and high oil prices becomes more fully known. Toyota sold more than 4.8 million vehicles worldwide in the first half of this year, up 2% from the same period a year earlier, the Japanese automaker said Wednesday. That exceeded General Motors Corp.'s sales of 4.5 million vehicles in the same period, setting up Toyota to potentially end GM's 76-year run as the world's top automaker by sales (CNN Money, 2007) Toyota, the third-biggest foreign car brand in China, reported investing 3.6 billion Yuan ($526.8 million) to double the production capacity of one of its plants. This should boost Toyota's overall capacity in China to 830,000 units by the first half of 2010. Global requirement for light hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) is estimated to reach 4.5 million units in 2013. Increasing energy costs and greater than before emissions regulations are likely to increase demand for HEVs. The US is expected to experience the highest level of demand for HEVs, estimated at two million units in

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Social Influence- Organization Behavior Case Study

Social Influence- Organization Behavior - Case Study Example   This is particularly true if the super-powerful leader becomes the organization’s brand, as observed in the case of Oprah Winfrey. Most stakeholders may, therefore, support the organization because of her presence and image and should these fade, the stakeholders would withdraw their support irrespective of the nature of a new leader. Another danger of a single super-powerful leader in an organization is limited room for growth of other leaders. This is because of actual lack of growth opportunities as the leader assumes most responsibility or because other leaders may feel inferior and shy away from assuming challenging responsibilities. Another potential danger of the arrangement is negative effects of inefficiencies of the powerful leader because such inefficiencies may go unchallenged, and the effects uncorrected. Since it is associated with centralized management, a single power center is likely to threaten advantages of decentralization such as high level of commitment and communication among employees (Gupta 138). Winfrey might ensure her succession through three strategies: rational persuasion, inspirational appeal, and consultation. Rational persuasion might help her to convince stakeholders that perceived power gap between her and other leaders is not real. In succeeding in this, Oprah might ensure that all stakeholders, especially other leaders in the organization, are acceptable and have equal opportunities to succeed her. This might also develop a sense of equality between her and other leaders to make the leaders acceptable should her personality fade or she leaves the organization. The inspirational appeal is another effective way in which Oprah might ensure effective succession because of possible effects of grooving new leaders who can rise to take her place and, like her, develop their own  brands that command an audience.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Energy - Essay Example Fossil fuels are an example of nom-renewable sources of energy. Energy can be changed from one form to another. This is upheld by the first law of thermodynamics which puts forward the fact that â€Å"energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only converted from one form to another.† Different examples can be used to support this statement. Natural gas which is a form of energy is changed into heat and light upon burning. The burning of coal can be used for the production of light and heat. Visible light from the Sun can be changed into heat and electrical energy. The energy from wind can also be changed into electrical energy. These examples uphold the fact that energy conversion from one form to another takes place (Chrias 2006; Miller et al 2008). Fossil fuels are energy sources which are recovered from beneath the ground. They are basically hydrocarbons which are also referred to as mineral fuels. Coal, oil and natural gas are fossil fuels. These fossil fuels are formed by t he decomposition of plants and animals which become buried inside the earth. This process has been estimated to take around millions of years. The decomposed material is exposed to the heat and the pressure from the earth’s crust owing to which it undergoes many changes and eventually results in the formation of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels have become an essential source of energy in today’s world. ... They can be used as fuels for driving machineries. These benefits serve to provide for the attractions of fossil fuels (Miller et al 2008; Science Daily). Different alternatives to fossil fuels have been searched upon owing to the fact that the reserves of fossil fuels are starting to deplete. Nuclear power is an alternative source of energy. It can be used for the generation of heat, electricity as well as for making weapons. The advantage of nuclear power includes the fact that it can used for energy generation. It can also assist in preventing the quick depletion of the fossil fuels. It proves to be economically beneficial as well owing to the fact that it serves to create competition for other energy producers. This results in providing for a lower energy buying cost for consumers. Nuclear energy does not result in the release of greenhouse gases and thus it does not contribute to global warming as do fossil fuels. But this form of energy has its own disadvantages. The expenses r equired for the building of nuclear power plants are very high and therefore, it is an expensive form of energy. Nuclear energy can be used for building nuclear weapons which can prove to be very harmful for human beings. The waste of nuclear power plants is toxic and radioactive and there are no proper sites for disposing this harmful material. Furthermore, accidents in nuclear power plants can prove to be very harmful as they can create much havoc and destruction (In Foreman et al 1970; Miller et al 2011). Wind energy is another alternate source of energy to fossil fuels. Wind energy can be used for the generation of electricity. Wind turbines are built which utilize

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Obama Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Obama Care - Essay Example The Act requires that a significant percentage of the income group should have health insurance. The act is helpful to low-income adults because of the expansion of Medicaid. The act also introduces programs that aid early retirees’ insurance programs. The PPACA is also supportive to workers at their old age, who would benefit from the coverage, according to Begley et al. (2012). Employers can have insurance cover for the group of employees that go for early retirement, between the age of 55 and 64. This is helpful to these employees since they have the assurance of insurance even if they take early insurance. The Act also expands insurance to non-employed youths aged between 19 to 25 years through their parents’ coverage. According to Begley et al. (2012), the various reforms are beneficial to employees. According to Hoffman (2011), the act reduces the burden of cost of insurance on just a limited potion of employees. The act is instrumental because of its level of reg ulation of insurance rates. The various discounts on wellness programs introduced, by the act, are important and helpful to employees. The act has several financial security provisions that could be helpful in reducing the expense of medical care as well as premium cost (Hoffman, 2011). For instance, the provision that health plans should limit the cost-sharing obligation renders it cheap to afford health care. Miller (2012) provides a contradicting opinion that the PPACA to is economically burdening to the employees. The act, according to Miller (2012), has its basis on improper analysis of its economic implications on workers. The act does not follow any explainable principle and, instead, diminishes some roles of the federal government related to regulation of insurance. In the opinion of Miller (2012), the expansion of tax allocated to insurance would be a better policy provision compared to imposing the cost on workers. Tax expansion was a more suitable source to finance the in surance coverage stipulated in PPACA than making the workers pay for it. The individual responsibility outline in the act is unconstitutional and unnecessary, according to Miller (2012). McDonough (2012) identifies the extent of opposition that the PPACA reviewed since its congressional debate began in 2009 to its declaration as being lawful in 2012. Those in opposition of the act highlighted the economic effects of the provisions of the law. The law would escalate the expenses of states and further create a burden on their budgets. The burden and effects of the burden roll down to workers who directly pay for it. In general, there are more beneficial to workers that come with the approval of PPACA than those having the contrary opinion present. It remains the basis of success in achieving reforms in the country's health insurance system. The act places the role of employers in ensuring efficiency in health insurance at the center and, therefore, creating remarkable changes (Eibner, Hussey & Girosi, 2010). Insurance supported by the employer increases efficiency in expanding cover of employees. Full implementation of PPACA would transform the health insurance markets in the country. It would help to change the decision of workers concerning the enrollment for health insurance cover. The act places various advantages to workers. There is a notable reduction in direct expenditure out of pocket. High out-of-pocket expenses, notably, is one of factors that contribute to the low coverage of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Sir Oswald Mosley, his Political development and his Contribution to Research Paper

Sir Oswald Mosley, his Political development and his Contribution to Politics - Research Paper Example He proposed and advocated for an Irish policy of withdrawal and non-intervention, which he stood for in the 1920’s and 1930’s. Mosley later returned to parliament as an independent candidate in the parliamentary elections of 1922 and 1923. He then joined the labour party in 1924 and began to qualify himself as an expert on economic policies. In 1927, he was elected to the labour party’s national committee and then in 1929, as a chancellor of Duchy in Lancaster. Mosley resigned from office on 20 May 1930. In 1931, he founded the new party together with other MP’s. The 1930’s were characterized by emergence of Fascism in British politics. In 1932, Mosley founded a paramilitary organization called the British Union of Fascists (BUF). The ‘Battle of Cable Street’ refers to a confrontation that took place in London East end, on 4th October 1936. The police, British Union Fascists, and antifascists were involved. Keywords: Career, Sir Oswald Mosley, Battle of Cable street, British Union of Fascists, Politics Sir Oswald Mosley is best remembered for leading The British Union of Fascists in the 1930’s, as well as his unwavering support of Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany. From a tender age, Mosley was an active politician before turning to Fascism in 1932 (Thackeray & Findling, 2012). Sir Oswald Ernald Mosley was born in London on 16th November 1896. He was the first born child to Katherine Mead Heathcoat and Oswald Mosley. He was the eldest of three children in Oswald Mosley’s family. He was educated in Winchester, Sandhurst. He later, served in the army as a pilot and Calvary officer during World War 1, until he was circumscribed out of the army in 1916, due to an old injury. He was later elected into parliament as a Conservative coalition-unionist in December 1918 (Thackeray & Findling, 2012). Mosley got married to Cynthia Curzon, the daughter of the foreign secretary in 1920, in the presence of King George V and Queen Mary (Ritschel, 1997). Mosley’s political career was largely successful and the impetus to Mosley’s youthful political motivation was his commitment to patriotic purpose of national economic recovery and social reconstruction (Ritschel, 1997). In November 1920, Mosley opposed the British government’s policy on Ireland’s independence. This made him attain immense publicity due to his critique of government troop’s reprisals and atrocities against Ireland. Mosley proposed and advocated for an Irish policy of withdrawal and non-intervention, which he stood for in the 1920’s and 1930’s. He later returned to parliament as an independent candidate in the parliamentary elections of 1922 and 1923 (Strauss, 1993). Mosley then joined the labour party in 1924, and began to qualify himself as an expert on economic policies. It is hard however to determine whether Mosley was committed to matters of the British government, or he was just acting as a non-conformist. His unwillingness to conform to party discipline and majority decisions is evident in his controversy over unemployment policy. In 1927, he was elected to the labour party’s national committee and then in 1929, as a chancellor of Duchy in Lancaster (Strauss, 1993) In January 1930, Mosley submitted Mosley’s Memorandum to the British Prime Minister. The Memorandum was an elaborate plan on how to solve the British economy woes at the time that emanated from the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

British History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

British History - Essay Example The Seven Years’ War forced Britain to change its colonial policies in ways that helped drive the colonists to revolution. For the British, part of the significance of the Seven Years’ War is Britain’s emergence as the uncontested imperial leader in the New World. France and Britain had dueled for years as their empires expanded and collided. Armed conflict had been intermittent for decades. France gave its best effort against the might of the British, winning many battles and adopting successful alliances with Native American fighters, who offered support on the field and tutelage in woodland fighting techniques.1 When William Pitt reignited the British army, he also persuaded the Iroquois to ally with him and reduced the French advantage. The British whittled away at the French, then struck a terrific blow at the Plains of Abraham in Quebec in 1759, surprising the French and winning a short but awful battle. The French army would need years to heal after subsequent beatings on the battlefield left Britain victorious.2 Now, Great Britain had additional duties as a colonizer. As a result of the Treaty of Paris 1763, the French ceded land east of the Mississippi River to Great Britain. With larger land area to administrate, govern, protect, and defend, Britain placed additional strain on an already swollen fiscal budget. It would naturally expect the colonists, as British subjects to pay a proportionately higher amount of taxes to finance the new services.3 Victory in the Seven Years’ War impacted Britain’s attitude about how to treat opponents. It had not started winning the war until William Pitt began to use his bold, energetic, highly confident style to get results. Having sufficiently deposed the French with the heavy hand of its military, it now figured it could do the same to any colonists who were foolish enough to raise arms against

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Quality management Essay Example for Free

Quality management Essay Dialogue 2: Identify two (2) thought leaders relative to quality management. Research each to determine their core ideas and contributions. Synthesize your thoughts about each into a one paragraph (per leader) that contains important and meaningful statements about each thought leader, their contributions, and the relevance of the contribution today regarding the work of project managers. Joseph M. Juran Dr. Juran devoted 70 years to his books, thoughts, and life work revolutionizing the philosophy of total quality management. His developed quality management ideas work around the quality trilogy of Quality Planning, Quality Improvement, and Quality Control. Through the Juran Institute, Dr. Juran has maintained the capability to continually broaden the experiential learning of economist, scientist, and engineers around his work. Dr. Juran’s teachings and guidance focus efforts on the customer and their needs, optimizes the product for those individuals, optimizes the processes involved, and ensures that the process will actually produce the product. Dr. Juran understood that the human component (the customer, the manager, the scientist, the engineer) was an integral piece of the quality process. His lessons contributed to the rise of the Japanese economy after his hands on workings with the Union of Japanese Scientist and Engineers. The push of information today has allowed these theories to flourish. Customer satisfaction is an ever pressing position for large and small businesses. Today’s managers would be hard pressed to understand the human factor, if individuals like Dr. Juran did not lay the ground work to focus effo rts on the human factors. Genichi Taguchi Taguchi was a Japanese Textile Engineer that understood the processes and influences of small and large businesses. He realized there were variables within management’s control and others that we not. His major contributions/theories were the following: The Loss Function- an equation to quantify the decline of a customer’s perceived value of a product, as the quality declines; Orthogonal Arrays and Linear Graphs- tools to identify and isolate the items concerned when dealing with effective costs and time; Robustness- the identified course of developing products and processes that perform uniformly regardless of the uncontrollable forces.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effective Methods of Event Management

Effective Methods of Event Management INTRODUCTION Event management is the request of project management to the conception and development of festival, an event and meeting. Event organization involves studying the workings of brand, identifying the aim audience, and coordinating the technological aspects before really the target modalities of the planned event. Events and festivals such as valentines even, have a crash in some communities. Its a career which requires investment and creativity. Today many shows are there are one on TV is prepared by event managing. The clients come to the event management with an unclear idea in mind it is totally up to the event manager to work on the idea and turn it into a truth. Event could be whatever thing from concerts, product launches, wedding, or parties. Additional, enters this pasture has to first join as a learner. Event management is practice configured based on clients requirements. Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD is best event for start an event organization company. Furthermore, we make available, in addition to the ability to activate in Malaysia plus in many other countries. Our team has at all times been lead with a passion for staying at the forefront of the skill that we create that only engage the audience but endure long after the curtain have come down. Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD provides closing stages-to end services for meetings, convention as well as conferences also. MAIN BODY Question 1 Assuming that you want to establish an event management company. Identify the form of organization structure that you would apply for your new company and justify your answers PYRAMID EVENT (M) SDN BHD Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD willpower establishes soon in Penang, April 2011. We try a non stop events management company that supply the best perform of project management to the conception and development of creative and out of the box events. Furthermore, as an event management business we scope encompass all creative and technical of the event depending on the clients needs knowledge and budget. Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD will be leading company in Penang by, providing quality, unique and cost-effective events to public. Than we steady introduction of new trends, to integrated events solutions. As a Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD company that supplies the most excellent practice of project management to the formation plus development of creative and out of the box events. As going to establish an event Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD scope encompasses all original and technical of the event depending on the clients wants expertise and budget. Furthermore, our mission is to be a centre of event management quality where creativity and class is the epitome and heartbeat of the organization and vision is not only showing in what we have done but also in what will distribute to satisfy our customer. Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD is committed to achieve success for clients by applying the full power of communication as an extension of business oddly and execution. Although, for purpose day be worrying enough without having to be anxious whether the cateress are going to turn up on time. As an event management we have time and links to make sure the events run gratefully in future. (REFER FIGURE: 1) PYRAMID EVENT (M) SDN BHD ORGANIZATION CHART Merchandising Official Promotion Equipment Venue Program Hospitality Director An individual or obsession with the purpose of directs one of grouping of people who direct the dealings of a trade or else a person who is in accuse of the manufacture event. As a director of Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD has most important job for the harmonization, expansion, planning, completing as well as also grasp up category of events. Event captivating position at an exact location otherwise may obtain place on-line or might be a mixture of in cooperation. For example, as a director of Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD, has tactical for identify along with rising events to support and expand in present area represent by member and in original market too. Such as, winning release on the objectives of this position has a director crash on the act plus aptitude to bring on supplementary planned and prepared goals. Furthermore, be supposed to be expecting to increase skill in management and agenda organization as well as exact managerial aspect and completion of an event. Merchandising Merchandising as frequently old in advertising plus means the endorsement of products sale, as through coordinate making and advertising and rising advertising, display, along with sales strategy to add to retail sales. The preparation caught up in advertising the correct goods or services on the right put, at the point in time, in the right quantity. Promotional sale actions of an advertisers sales strength, retailer otherwise dealer as well as marketing toward demonstrate a manufactured goods or services in a positive glow as a result so as to it will be purchase by the commerce community and the intense community. As soon, we will establish Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD we contain expert in this part. As event management company we determination use a plenty of equipment such as, computer, radio, electricity to do our event management. Program Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD will be a good way for customer to interact plus well known their wants. A listing of the order of events and other pertinent information for a public presentation. Programmer usually a set of plans to develop or improve something. Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD welcoming public to our event. As an event management company we do many types of programs. For example, we do wedding dinner, canopy services, birthday function, school and public function and extra. To do this programmed event management use different types of skills. Hospitality Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD contains skilled in our employees to show and make sure every one the customers, VIPs, and representative go residence by way of a cheery face. This is extremely important for our Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD status. This it self will decide on how the client willpower hold up us. So far we have probable about 500customers to the event management, so we are prepare beverages and delicacy on behalf of our customer. Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD has known the tender to Ananda Bhavan catering services to obtain care of that. They are to supply us with 2types of drinks along with 4types of food and 1type of fruits. Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD be charitable gone free balloons along with ice creams to small childrens. Venue Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD having this event in spot at centre of City. We prefer this site because of its planned location in the city. Furthermore, we polished our time at 9am until 10pm. Its to make sure that our client has the occasion to create it following they come to an end their work. As well as we are doing it on Saturday and Sunday grounds the majority of the family would similar to go out on this day for does their purchasing. So those, Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD provide them an option of place to visit. And we be capable of be sure that they determination include a good day at what time they visit our event in soon. Equipment As an event management company we use many types of equipment for our events. Such as, video organization, chair, table, DVD player, to do our event. These equipments we will use for do our Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD. Promotion Promotion is the best part of business. Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD used 3D signage for attract customers. We will do promotion twice a year to inform the customers about our products. Furthermore, we supply and create of live entertainment demonstrate and interactive action intended for invite customers. We have advertised our Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD Company in Star Sun Metro, Nanban, and Berita Harian newspapers. Other than, our staff distributes flyers to public who pass by the road. Official We will invite VIP Datuk Subramani for launch the Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD Company. And most of the official comes for this event, so we must make sure that everything is done smoothly by arranging perfect sitting place for them and guide them with our staff. CONCLUSION We consider in provided that superiority and resourceful services as soon as it comes to our customers. In arrange to maintain up by way of a more and more competitive market, we supply an extensive variety of services to our convince. As affirmation of our determination to become the premier marketing and event specialist. As a Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD we like to improve our event management company to international trade. Furthermore, an event companies we consider that a long-term feeling is what public keep in mind the most in addition to the best ever. Therefore, Pyramid Event (M) SDN BHD does our greatest to distribute an impressive occasion that determination leave our visitors with unforgettable moment and our consumers with winning measures in future. INTRODUCTION Sea Food Restaurant was formed on 14 April 2010. Owner of Sea Food Restaurant is Mr.Lim. For now, Sea Food Restaurant Operate in Parit Buntar, Perak area only. Since one year Sea Food Restaurant provide good foods to customers. In this restaurant got seven employees include server, cleaner, and also cook. Their all so help full to Mr.Lim for run his business successfully. Mr.Lim runs his Sea Food Restaurant in local area only. In future he plans to run his business to international trade. For his business Mr.Lim used some equipment to run his business successfully. For example, table, chair, fan, and air coned, freeze and some more. The purposes of Mr.Lim choose Sea Food Restaurant is foods very important to all human being. So that, Mr.Lim proud be to establish foods to customers. Mr.Lim runs this Sea Food Restaurant business with his wife. Mr.Lim gives salary to the employees based on their working skill. For example, for cooks his salary and serves salary are totally different. Since one year Sea Food Restaurant successfully run in local. Mr.Lim faced alots of troubles to achieve a successful restaurant. Furthermore, working hour to employees is 10am-10pm in weekends. MAIN BODY Question 2 Interview a small local business proprietor in your area. Briefly identify the nature of the business and come up with a SWOT Analysis for the business. Attach the interview questionnaires with the report. WHAT IS SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats where this strategic planning uses for project or in a business venture. We be supposed to be well-known that when identify moreover classify related factors, the focus is not in a minute on interior matter, but also exterior mechanism. The mechanism could crash the winner of the plan. Green factor interior to the solid frequently can be confidential as strengths or weakness. Although external to the firm know how to be off the record while opportunities or threats. So that this all factors referred as SWOT analysis. Based on Strengths in SWOT analysis is individuality or attribute surrounded by the group that is measured to be central to the carrying out plus ultimate success of the project. Next is, Weakness. The nonappearance of convinced strengths possibly will be view as a weakness. An example is, each is considered as weakness is lack of patent protection. In some cases, a weakness may be the flip side of strength. The third arrangement of factor in the SWOT analysis is Opportunities. This categorization has to perform with outside elements with the purpose of will prove supportive for income and growth. In SWOT analysis classifies in last is Threats. Here, exterior factors to could intimidate the achievement of the project are listed and address change in the exterior ecological as well could there threats to the solid. This all method called as SWOT analysis. WHY USE SWOT ANALYSIS The complete end of responsibility a SWOT Analysis is to assist you recognize the majority valuable target and strategy to follow right now base on your present circumstances, plus to recognize strategies so as to will help you get ready for the prospect. In any business, analysis forces a purpose investigation of a companys location via its participant and the marketplace. SWOT Analysis is an extremely capable way of recognize your Strengths and Weaknesses plus of exploratory the Opportunities and Threats you face. Carrying out an analysis by the SWOT structure determination assist you to focus your behavior keen on areas where you are physically powerful, and where the greatest opportunities recline. Your activities into areas wherever you are burly, along with where the maximum plus of investigative the Opportunities and Threats you features. Based on these SWOT analysis had questionnaires a small local business proprietor Mr.Lim who is the owner of Sea Food Restaurant. ELEMENTS OF SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths Based on strengths I had five questionnaires. First is, Mr.Lim able to be innovating his Sea Food Restaurant by producing different types of foods to customers. For example, from sea food to nasi goreng, and kweteo basah. Stand out from competitors Mr.Lim well known as possible for how to run his restaurant outshine from the competitors. Mr.Lim said some restaurant do their business without knowing their basic knowledge of business but for Mr.Lim well known to how run his Sea Food Restaurant in local. Next, pool of skilled employees Sea Food Restaurant so far doesnt have any pool of skilled employees. For avoid this kind of things Mr.Lim keeping good employees determines business success. Fourth questionnaire I had is morale of the employees is quit high for Mr.Lim restaurant. This because, every person has different reasons for doing their job. Sea Food Restaurant has different reasons for doing their job. Sea Food Restaurant has strong brands to their restaurant and nowadays current concept of brand grew not in of the buyer packed goods with stronger. Weakness Based on questionnaires I had asked Mr.Lim said serves skills the employees. Sometimes, the employees will mistakenly write order of foods. So that, customers will complain about it. Next is the advertising reach to attract customers but for Mr.Lim Sea Food Restaurant so far no reach good advertising. Not only that, so far Mr.Lim able to attrack customers based on employees faith in management Mr.Lim said that it was employees during times will create a better working relationship with staff and improve productivity. For Sea Food Restaurant so far wants employees. Mr.Lim said so far his restaurant wants more employees to develop his restaurant. Opportunity Based on, advanced technology Sea Food Restaurant advanced with it. Mr.Lim restaurant got free WIFI connection for customers. This for attract more customers to his restaurant. Furthermore, Mr.Lim havent yet enter any new markets and he said as soon as possible will enter new market also. For that customer support he needs. Furthermore, Mr.Lim said for develop the business he faced financial problems. So that, Mr.Lim had gone to CIMB Bank, regarding to upgrade his Sea Food Restaurant business. By grow the business during recession, it takes long time get up and its a great way to interact with all his customers in open place. Otherwise, Mr.Lims favorable circumstance are that, view Sea Food Restaurant beside the seaside. Threats Based on threat Mr.Lim faced obstacles. In a particular day, his business will be very low cause of customers wills never turn up and also jealousy by another restaurant. Next, based on competition Mr.Lim will serve different kind of food based on the days. For example, Chinese mostly doing their wedding dinner in Sea Food Restaurant. So that time, Mr.Lim will provide different foods based on the reception. Mr.Lim sad if within 3lilometer have a star bucks coffee near the Sea Food Restaurant means is not cause Mr.Lims business. This because Mr.Lim restaurant is mainly about sea food and star bucks is only a coffee. So that, he dont so. Mr.Lim dont face any environmental effects because Mr.Lim restaurant in an open view. At last, Mr.Lim restaurant in a market demand. SEA FOOD RESTAURANT STRENGTHS The restaurant able to innovate? What makes your restaurant stand out from your competitors? Does your restaurant have a pool of skilled employees? Is the morale of the employees high? Does your restaurant strong brands? Weakness What do your customers complain about? Is the advertising effective? Is the restaurant able to attract talent? Do employees have faith in management? Do employees need for your restaurant? Opportunity Is your restaurant advanced in technology? Is our restaurant entering new market? Do you have gone to any banks regarding loans to upgrade the business? How do you grow the business? What favorable circumstance are you facing? Threats What obstacles do you faced? What is your competition doing? If within 5kilometer got star buck will reduce your restaurant? Do you face any environmental effects? Its that your restaurant in a market level? QUESTIONNAIRES 5.0 CONCLUSION SWOT Analysis managerial strategy are the income from side to side which companies complete their missions and goal. It is not basically sufficient to recognize the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a business. In apply the SWOT analysis it is essential to reduce or keep away from both weaknesses and threats. Weaknesses are supposed to be look at in organize to change them keen on strengths. Similarly, threats are supposed to be rehabilitated into opportunities. Lastly, strengths and opportunities ought to be coordinated to optimize the potential of a firm. Applying Successful strategies address four basics of the surroundings within which the business operate. The full point of responsibility a SWOT analysis is to help you classify the mainly useful targets and strategies to follow right now base on your recent situation and to make out strategies that determination help you organize for the future. SWOT help to run a business in a good way in prospect. Further more, SWOT identifying our Strengths plus Weakness of investigative the Opportunities as well as also Threats tat we face. Over the long term, we are supposed to contain goals from every of the four quadrants for equilibrium. In the little phrase, we possibly will want to focal point on one or two quadrants to obtain advantage of several situations that we presently in front of.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Etiology of HIV-Associated Dementia :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Etiology of HIV-Associated Dementia The etiologic agents of the neurologic disease associated with HIV and AIDS are many. Opportunistic infections- cryptococcus, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, are a few of the organic causes of neurologic disease in AIDS patients, but will not be the main focus of this paper. The human immunodeficiency virus in itself is implicated in much of the neurological manifestations of the disease, and it is the effects of the presence of the virus within the central nervous system which is of interest to me in this paper. With the advent of more effective highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and thus increased life span of people with AIDS, neurological disorders are becoming a hot topic in AIDS research. In the early days of the epidemic, those infected with the virus could only hope to live for a short time before developing the symptoms of full blown AIDS, and death ensued shortly afterwards. The progress made in treatment in the past two decades has prolonged the lives of people with AIDS, to the point where diagnosis is no longer a sign of imminent debilitation and death, but rather an acknowledgement of a possible long road ahead with the aid of drug cocktails. There is also a strong possibility that the HIV infected person may develop HIV associated dementia after years of living with the disease (1). HIV associated dementia (HAD) is comprised of a spectrum of conditions from the mild HIV-1 motor cognitive-motor disorder to severe and debilitating AIDS dementia complex. Symptoms begin with motor slowing (2), and may progress to severe loss of cognitive function, loss of bladder and bowel control, and paraparesis . A classification system has been formulated for HIV associated dementia: Stage 0: Normal Stage 0.5: Subclinical or Equivocal Minimal or equivocal symptoms. Mild (soft) neurological signs. No impairment of work or activities of daily living (ADL). Stage 1: Mild Unequivocal intellectual or motor impairment. Able to do all but the most demanding work or ADL. Stage 2: Moderate Cannot work or perform demanding ADL. Capable of self-care. Ambulatory, but may need a single prop. Stage 3: Severe Major intellectual disability, or Cannot walk unassisted. Stage 4: End-Stage Nearly vegetative. 3. Disease may result from the direct presence of the virus in the central nervous system, toxins released from the virus, the body's immunological responses, or any number of other factors. Studies have found that non physiological levels of cytokines in the brain may have an effect of enhancing replication of HIV 3.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay example --

Acid Rain The topic of this paper is acid deposition, also known as acid Rain. Acid rain is precipitation, as rain, snow or sleet containing relatively high concentration of acid forming chemicals. As the pollutants from coal, smoke, chemical manufacturing, and smelting, that have been released into the atmosphere and combine with water vapor, the harmful deposition is created ( Acid rain affects many things greatly. Acid rain affects many different things and is very harmful to the environment. One aspect of the environment that is greatly affected by acid rain is soil. Acidic rain makes its way into the soil by rain falling off the branches and leaves to the soil below. Water runs through the soil on its way to different bodies of water. A process called buffering is used to neutralize acids using the base nutrients (including calcium and magnesium) found in soil (Tyson, 1992). This process helps soil resist the effects of acid rain. Thinner soils that have fewer nutrients are more vulnerable to the effects of acid rain. Thicker soils are more affective at buffering acid rain. Over many years soils that aren’t the best at buffering out acid rain can become increasingly acidic. This leads to a decrease in the ability to support healthy plant life. Over time soils may become so acidic that aluminum dissolves and is carried by rain water into bodies of water. Aluminum that is dissolved is very toxic and harmful to all aquatic life. Areas of higher elevation, such as high mountain areas, are more sensitive to the effects of acid rain. The soils are thinner and therefore are unable to buffer acid rain as well as thicker soil at lower elevations (Tyson, 1992). At high ele... ...ns use in their homes, the fewer chemicals that power plants use the fewer that will have to be emitted in to the air. Today there are laws on how much pollution is allowed to be put out in the air these laws have made significant changes. Catalytic converters in cars help reduce emissions. There has been reduction in the amount of acid rain causing pollutant to the air by humans. Eastern Canada set a cap of 2.3 million tons of sulphur dioxide to be met by 1994 and maintained until 2000. In Canada several sulphur dioxide reduction targets for provinces to the east of Manitoba-Saskatchewan to meet this cap. Roughly halve of the sulphur dioxide emissions were intended to be cut by this reduction. Acid rain affects many things in our world greatly. Acid rain is precipitation that has been released into the atmosphere and is very harmful and can do lots of damage. Essay example -- Acid Rain The topic of this paper is acid deposition, also known as acid Rain. Acid rain is precipitation, as rain, snow or sleet containing relatively high concentration of acid forming chemicals. As the pollutants from coal, smoke, chemical manufacturing, and smelting, that have been released into the atmosphere and combine with water vapor, the harmful deposition is created ( Acid rain affects many things greatly. Acid rain affects many different things and is very harmful to the environment. One aspect of the environment that is greatly affected by acid rain is soil. Acidic rain makes its way into the soil by rain falling off the branches and leaves to the soil below. Water runs through the soil on its way to different bodies of water. A process called buffering is used to neutralize acids using the base nutrients (including calcium and magnesium) found in soil (Tyson, 1992). This process helps soil resist the effects of acid rain. Thinner soils that have fewer nutrients are more vulnerable to the effects of acid rain. Thicker soils are more affective at buffering acid rain. Over many years soils that aren’t the best at buffering out acid rain can become increasingly acidic. This leads to a decrease in the ability to support healthy plant life. Over time soils may become so acidic that aluminum dissolves and is carried by rain water into bodies of water. Aluminum that is dissolved is very toxic and harmful to all aquatic life. Areas of higher elevation, such as high mountain areas, are more sensitive to the effects of acid rain. The soils are thinner and therefore are unable to buffer acid rain as well as thicker soil at lower elevations (Tyson, 1992). At high ele... ...ns use in their homes, the fewer chemicals that power plants use the fewer that will have to be emitted in to the air. Today there are laws on how much pollution is allowed to be put out in the air these laws have made significant changes. Catalytic converters in cars help reduce emissions. There has been reduction in the amount of acid rain causing pollutant to the air by humans. Eastern Canada set a cap of 2.3 million tons of sulphur dioxide to be met by 1994 and maintained until 2000. In Canada several sulphur dioxide reduction targets for provinces to the east of Manitoba-Saskatchewan to meet this cap. Roughly halve of the sulphur dioxide emissions were intended to be cut by this reduction. Acid rain affects many things in our world greatly. Acid rain is precipitation that has been released into the atmosphere and is very harmful and can do lots of damage.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Macbeths Images and Imagery :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Macbeth's Imagery      Ã‚  Ã‚   William Shakespeare in the tragedy Macbeth very skillfully uses imagery to support other aspects of the drama, especially the theme. In this essay let us examine the imagery, including literary critical comment.    Roger Warren comments in Shakespeare Survey 30 , regarding Trervor Nunn's direction of Macbeth at Stratford-upon-Avon in 1974-75, on opposing imagery used to support the opposing notions of purity and black magic:    Much of the approach and detail was carried over, particularly the clash between religious purity and black magic. Purity was embodied by Duncan, very infirm (in 1974 he was blind), dressed in white and accompanied by church organ music, set against the black magic of the witches, who even chanted 'Double, double to the Dies Irae. (283)    L.C. Knights in the essay "Macbeth" explains the supporting role which imagery plays in Macbeth's descent into darkness:    To listen to the witches, it is suggested, is like eating "the insane root, That takes the reason prisoner" (I.iii.84-5); for Macbeth, in the moment of temptation, "function," or intellectual activity, is "smother'd in surmise"; and everywhere the imagery of darkness suggests not only the absence or withdrawal of light but - "light thickens" - the presence of something positively oppressive and impeding.   (101)    In Fools of Time: Studies in Shakespearean Tragedy, Northrop Frye shows how the playwright uses imagery to reinforce the theme:    This theme is at its clearest where we are most in sympathy with the nemesis. Thus at the end of Macbeth, after the proclamation "the time is free," and of promises to make reparations of Macbeth's tyranny "Which would be planted newly with the time," there will be a renewal not only of time but of the whole rhythm of nature symbolized by the word "measure," which includes both the music of the spheres and the dispensing of human justice [. . .]. (94-95)    In his book, On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy, H. S. Wilson interprets the imagery of Macbeth:    Macbeth is a play in which the poetic atmosphere is very important; so important, indeed, that some recent commentators give the impression that this atmosphere, as created by the imagery of the play, is its determining quality. For those who pay most attention to these powerful atmospheric suggestions, this is doubtless true. Mr. Kenneth Muir, in his introduction to the play

Monday, September 16, 2019

Recent Economic Developments Essay

The world is currently experiencing a dramatic change in the economy with the emerging forces in the world s most rapidly developing nations. These nations have the greatest market share in the global perspective and are a serious threat to established world corporations (Agtmael 2007). Most of the companies in the emerging economies have combined their production trends with information technology, which is encouraging innovation and creativity. Currently there are hundreds of companies from the emerging market that are global competitors. The most notable as described earlier are the Chinese and the Indians; scholars have ascertained that if the current trend in their development is not affected in a negative way, then by the year 2050, China and India would be among the three topmost powerful economies of the world (Marber 2008). Economic analyses have found that the leading companies from the emerging economies are growing at a very fast rate estimated at about 25% per year and more than 29% of their revenue is collected from foreign market, this is expected to grow up to 40% by 2010. Conclusion The social and economic changes in the world have been very critical in determining the economies of the nations. The development of the world financial market has lasted for over a century with different states changing their positions in the system. Bureaucratization is the notable early development of economic policies that saw increased collection of taxes in old empires and eventually enhanced the states ability to borrow money further increasing bureaucracy. Major phenomena that stimulated economic development were agriculture and capitalist economy, but the recent and significant of them was the industrialization which has intensely revolutionized economy. References Agtmael A. (2007). The Emerging Markets Century. How a new Breed Of World-class Companies is Overtaking the World. Free Press. Drori G. S, Meyer J. W and Hwang H. (2006). Globalization and Organizational Change. Oxford University Press. IFM (2003). World economic Outlook. Public Debt in Emerging Markets. International Monetary fund. Kahn H. (1979). World Economic Development. 1979 and Beyond. Taylor and Francis. Marber P. (2008) From Third World to Third Class. The Future of Emerging Markets in the Global Economy. Perseus Books. Staley E. (2008). World Economic Development. Efffects on Advanced Industrial Countries. International Labour Office.

Courtship Of Mr Lyon and Wolf Alice Comparison Essay Essay

Extract: The Courtship of Mr Lyon from ‘the voice that seemed to issue from a care full of echoes’ to ‘he went on all fours’. Using this extract as your starting point and this reference to one other story of your choice, you should: -Explore Carter’s manipulation of language to develop the voice of the lion and the reaction of the girl to it. -Examine how Carter exploits the voices of her characters in both stories to comment on attitudes towards characters that are different. The Courtship of Mr Lyon loosely refers to the main storyline presented with the fairytale; The Beauty and The Beast. It is heavily feminine and throughout strives for the equality between men and women, despite their potential ‘otherness’s’. Combined with Wolf Alice, loosely based on Lewis Carroll’s: Alice through the Looking Glass, Carter uses a variety of linguistics and literary techniques in order to communicate a strong sense of voice to the reader. Developing this, then enables Carter to manipulate language to suggest the reactions and relationships between characters within both stories. Throughout the extract, Carter uses a third person omniscient narrative in order to create a sense of separation from events, potentially mimicking the attitudes of society. In general those who tend to ‘stick out’ are ignored, abandoned and shunned. The use of this narrative choice enables reader’s to be faced with the reality of their actions and encourage them to change their views. Beauty exists within days of ‘pastel-coloured idleness’, a sense of boredom reinforced by the use of soft sounding constanants and open vowels. The choice of these lexis help to suggest details regarding Beauty’s persona, a passive character, innocent and submissive, unable to make her own decisions, reflecting historical context, many women were considered to occupy this role within Carter’s writing time. With, ‘a kind of halo’ the Beast appears almost saintly, providing a distraction from Beauty’s monotonous existence. This also suggests the Beast is the authoritative figure within the relationship, Beauty possesses somewhat of awe towards him. However, the distinct lexical choice ‘kind’ suggests the Beast is not entirely what he seems, his sense of ‘otherness’ never able to leave him totally. The Beast appears to hold the position of authority between himself and Beauty; ‘he was irradiated’ foregrounding the anaphoric references ‘he’, highlighting the importance the Beast possesses. A strong sense of the voice of the lion is created through the Beast ‘forc(ing) himself to master his shyness’ revealing feelings the Beast possesses, through a internal third person narration. However, unlike Beauty, who is unable to defeat the ‘small talk (that) turned to dust in her mouth’, the Beast overcomes his sense of fear, yet again suggesting he is stronger than Beauty, a strong sense of character and voice created through repeated reinforcing of the character of the Beast. He can relate to Beauty, ‘(gazing) at her with green, inscrutable eyes’, he is able to understand that she needs to see herself different, shake off the societal constraints she has become conditioned to obey. Beauty is submissive, no longer shying away from the Beast, she has come to accept the Beast’s ‘otherness’ much more, and realises her potential, of which he has created. Beauty sees her face ‘as if it were a bud’, suggesting her potential, she needs to grow and mature, with her stark realisation; ‘all he is doing is kissing my hands’, reinforcing how far Beauty has already progressed, as at the start, she is afraid to acknowledge the Beast’s existence. Earlier in the story, when Beauty first enters the Beast’s castle, her father is attacked by the Beast, who shook him ‘until his teeth rattled’ and ‘yapped distractedly’ after. Although these actions are not that expected from a ‘normal’ member of society, and suggest the Beast possesses very little humanity at that moment, the humorous nature of the phrases suggest that the Beast may not be as frightening as initially thought, hinting to the reader foreshadowing, already actions of the Beast are not all as they appear. The Beast sees the ‘absolute sweetness’ of Beauty, an ambiguous syntactic parallel, suggesting to the reader that not only the Beast, but Beauty too possesses ‘otherness’, as her beauty, ‘who looked as if she had been carved out of a single pearl’ hinders her development, she is treated as a possession, and has very little idea how to interact with humans alongside her in society. Within Wolf Alice, a third person restricted narrative is used to emphasise the central character’s sense of ‘otherness’ within the story. Described as a ‘ragged girl’, with a ‘panting tongue’ that ‘runs on all fours’, Wolf Alice is introduced as different from the rest of the society. The voice of the narrator stating ‘her pace is not our pace’. The inclusive audience address of ‘our’ perhaps suggesting, similar to within The Courtship Of Mr Lyon, that society wishes to separate themselves from people that appear different, or unique, a belief that Carter wishes to challenge, emphasised by the phrase; ‘she was lonely enough’. However, the repetition of the lexis ‘pace’ may suggest similarities between Wolf Alice and the rest of society, even though different, there are similarities also, Wolf Alice is not entirely different. The Nuns, supposedly religious and accepting, ‘poured water over her, poked her with sticks to rouse her’. Evidently, these are against Wolf Alice’s otherness, containing within them the views of the entire society. However, Carter may also be using the Nun’s as an alternative, additional message, that religion too is deteriorating. Throughout The Courtship of Mr Lyon, the idea of eyes is repeated frequently. A symbol of understanding and potential, ‘as if her eyes’ the Beast is able to see the possibilities Beauty contains and wishes her to encourage her character to blossom. Earlier in the story, Beauty finds the Beast’s ‘bewildering difference from herself almost intolerable’, she focuses only on the differences between themselves, and has a lack of understanding and appreciation. The progression Beauty has made in accepting other’s differences is highlighted as ‘the stiff bristle of (the Beast’s) muzzle’ graze on her lap, and Beauty does not retreat. Within the Beast’s eyes, ‘she saw herself repeated twice’ possibly showing Beauty’s realisation. She is now able to see how she is viewed by society, as well as the changes she has made herself. She is no longer shallow or possesses appearance-dominated beliefs. Beauty is amazed at ‘how is was that she had never noticed before that his agate eyes were equipped with lids like those of a man’, she has finally come to accept both her own and the Beast’s otherness, and is content and comfortable with herself. ‘It was no longer a lion in her arms but a man’, concludes the main idea of the story, both Beauty and the Beast have found themselves and are comfortable, despite the reactions and isolation they experience from society. They are happy together and become one, the idea highlighted with the tense change of the last syntax, the present tense suggesting a continuation, suggesting this occurs in the present, and should continue, an idea which resonates within the reader’s mind. Finally, the Duke too, within Wolf Alice has differences and repulses society; ‘his thin legs scabbed with old scars where thorns scored his pelt’. Society too has hate for him, he is an outcast, much like Wolf Alice. ‘Old scars’ suggest previous encounters with society, their macabre actions, wounding the Duke. Carter is challenging the reader, just because actions are completed by the masses, does it make them right? The Duke ‘sees, nowhere a reflection of himself’. He has retreated from society, he does not accept his character, further emphasised by his separation from society, living on his own in a ‘gloomy mansion’. Potential fear the villagers have towards the Duke is highlighted within the humorous euphemism ‘lupine fiesta’s’, perhaps suggesting that the reader’s do not want to accept responsibility for the actions they have performed which have driven the Duke to be so un-human. The repeated capitalisation of ‘Duke’ also suggesting respect, if not fear, towards the strong, seemingly soulless character. If they had been accepting and nurturing, the Duke may have been able to blossom and progress, yet their harsh, judgemental actions have secluded the Duke, leading him to live a primal life, no conscious present. However, throughout the story, Wolf Alice grows and matures from a child to a woman, gradually developing human-like characteristics, such as the need for hygiene, ‘looking for rags to sop the blood up’. After meeting the Duke, Wolf Alice continues to progress and encourages the Duke to do so too. Finally, ‘as if brought into being by her soft, moist, gentle tongue†¦ the face of the Duke’ appears in the mirror. The ideas of the story concluded, similar to The Courtship Of Mr Lyon, Wolf Alice and the Duke both accept their otherness, and encourage the other to do so. All are able to find happiness and live contently despite the views society may possess. Carter is suggesting that feminism does not mean a dominating sex, but equality between them, as each is equal within creation. In conclusion Carter’s use of literary and linguistic techniques successfully portray the sense of voice and the reactions of characters within both stories to the idea of otherness. Her final ideas are concluded well within both stories, creating a clear message which resonates and questions the reader, encouraging them to consider their actions within a modern-day society.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Fantasy Football: Persuasive Essay Essay

Fantasy Football is one of my favorite hobbies and I think you will enjoy it to. I’ve been playing Fantasy Football for the last 7 years and I enjoy it more every year. The main reasons I love playing Fantasy Football are that it gets me to watch and enjoy games I usually wouldn’t watch, it makes games more exciting, and it’s a great way to bring friends together. In Fantasy Football you draft a team of players from any team in the National Football League. Since you will have a Fantasy team of players spread across many teams, you now have a vested interest in watching games that you usually would not watch. I have watched a multitude of games over the years that would not have really interested me if I did not have one of my fantasy players in the game. You may even have a player on a team you usually do not like to see win, but Fantasy Football can change your allegiance quickly! In Fantasy Football the players on your team score points by accumulating yardage, scoring touchdowns, kicking field goals, creating turnovers, etc. The can make a typically boring game that is being dominated by one team more exciting. The players on your fantasy team can still score points for you even when their team is being beaten handily. When a game may seem all but over, you may still be cheering on one of your players to run for just a few more yards or score one more touchdown. I have stayed up to watch the end of a â€Å"blow out† game many times just to see if my fantasy players could score a few more points for my team. Fantasy Football is fun by itself, but it is even more fun when you have a league with several of your good friends, co-workers, and or family members. Many leagues have draft parties to select their teams. Everyone will gather at someone’s house or local establishment to eat, drink, and select their fantasy team. These parties can be a lot of fun and it always fun to do a little â€Å"smack talking† about each other’s teams. Throughout the year you will face off with these same friends in weekly fantasy games. If your team prevails you will have some bragging rights over your friends. If you already enjoy football or would like to learn more about football, Fantasy Football can be a very fun and rewarding hobby. Fantasy Football

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Mastery in skills of the five senses Essay

This writer believes all children need mastery in skills of the five senses. For this purpose, preschool age children will be taught how to make a peanut butter sandwich. The lesson will be presented in a sequential relationship. Materials to be used are: spoon, bread, peanut butter, and wax paper. This lesson will take place in the â€Å"kitchen† section of the classroom. The lesson will begin with a question as to how many of the children like peanut butter sandwiches. If there are children who do not like it, they will still participate in the lesson and not eat the sandwich. If a child is allergic, they will be individually taught on how to make another sandwich utilizing the same amount of tasks, and basic procedure. The class will then be split into pairs, because there is a ratio of 4:1, children can be easily supervised. The teacher will present a lesson on how to make the sandwich, from getting the spoon out of the drawer, to wrapping the sandwich in wax paper. After the teacher has â€Å"taught† the lesson, the children will then have to attempt to master the skill. They will work in pairs to help each other figure it out, and they will have to learn how to get along as there will be few to spoons. Staff will be required to assist children with spreading of the peanut butter or wrapping it in the paper. However, after the lesson is presented to the class, the children will work independently, each one responsible for the sandwich. The lesson: the teacher will gather the children in the kitchen area of the classroom. The teacher will then list and describe all the materials needed. Speaking out loud, the teacher will say exactly what they are doing, while the children are watching (i. e. taking a spoon out of the drawer, opening the jar of peanut butter, bread, spreading, and wrapping). The teacher will then state that there are only enough spoons for half the class and they will have to share. Once every child has made a sandwich, the teacher will lead the class outside to eat their sandwiches along with bananas. The teacher will instruct the whole class on how to use bananas with the sandwich by instructing how to mash the banana by using the peel. In order to gauge mastery of the lesson, staff will observe two pairs each (four children). The staff will have a check sheet for all tasks involved in the lesson. If a child fails at a task, the staff will point put the missed step and ask the child to repeat it. However, if a child is unable to spread the peanut butter but demonstrates motivation, staff will assist without marking the sheet. Since the whole class will be tested on mastery of skill, the teacher will ask the children to make a peanut butter sandwich for lunch about once a month. In addition, the teacher will introduce new ingredients, such as apples, celery, and fluff to further motivate the children to share, to learn the foundations of non-heat cooking, and to instill self-confidence in the children as they master each skill. By using a task oriented lesson, presented logically and step by step, the teacher is ensuring that each child masters the making of a simple sandwich independently.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Teacher Interview (Behavior) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Teacher Interview (Behavior) - Essay Example When students were not on good behavior, they would receive a warning for the first offense. Then, with the 2nd offense, the student would lose 15 minutes of recess and with the 3rd offense, they would lose 20 minutes of recess and receive a call home. The teacher believed that these problems occurred from students being bored or restless in the less structured time period of the transition. Interview 2 4th grade classroom In this interview, the teacher found that most behavior problems occurred during long periods of quiet, individual seat work. Examples would be during mathematics drill times or when working on book worksheets. The most common problems were talking, not being on task, being disruptive to other students and moving around the room. The classroom management system in places used positive and negative reinforcement to manage student behavior. The teacher modeled a checkbook system, which not only allowed children to become more knowledgeable about checks and checkbooks , but help them practice practically applied addition and subtraction as well. Students receive a check for $30 in the morning, each school day. Students who are not on good behavior receive a warning for the first offense.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Impact of the Virtual Private Network on Businesses Research Paper

Impact of the Virtual Private Network on Businesses - Research Paper Example VPNs are categorized according to the role they play in business, and there are three different categories of VPNs, one being remote access VPNs that allows remote users like mobile employees to securely access the business network. Furthermore, we have intranet VPNs enables a company to connect its remote sites to the corporate backbone, and lastly, extranet VPNs facilitates an organization’s suppliers, strategic associates and customers to be connected to the company network (Bidgoli, 2005). Introduction The growth of internet users globally has been phenomenal from a meager four computers in 1969 that formed the ARPANET to an estimated 2.4 billion users in 2012(internet world statistics). Businesses depend on the internet for real-time information; thus, the accessibility and easy availability of the internet has enabled an unprecedented growth, and the need for secure networks became essential. However, businesses that have dispersed locations are faced with the issue of l ong-distance private communication (Wallace, 1998); this is considering that communication with others privately across long distances previously was too expensive and difficult. Business exchange information securely within computers and devices on these networks provided that only persons with real access to the network could share that information. Thus, communication across long distances enabled large businesses to lease private phone lines from service provider AT&T, and this meant that only business information was transmitted on the line. Therefore, a business establishment in Los Angeles was able to lease an entire phone line from AT&T to connect to their office in Atlanta, Georgia. The business paid for the line without due regard to the volume of data exchanged on it. This leased line solution used by business for private communication turned out to be costly that several businesses could not use this method of connectivity. The growth of VPNs A Virtual Private Network co nceals the line between the open public internet and a closed private leased line network (Wouters and Bantoft, 2006). Kosiur (1998) calls them virtual to indicate that although circuit between two sites could be treated as a private line, it was not physically wired and served only as a linkage when traffic was passing over the circuit. The evolution VPNs started with the earlier usage of frame relay technology, whereby businesses would enjoy secure method of communication by utilizing a router at each endpoint. They became important because of the usage of less equipment to form a secure connection than leased lines (Dern, 1992). Moreover, they were comparatively cheap than leased lines, considering the overall expense and the inability to exhaust all the bandwidth of the leased line. Considering all the advantages it had, there were still costly issues that accompanied its usage; for example, maintenance, and this led to the development of an Internet-based VPN. This technology u sed open and the readily available Internet to form a secure connection amongst multiple users including those in remote locations and connections were established when needed and terminated after data transmission (Berger, 2012).  

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Quality Management in Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Quality Management in Business - Assignment Example . 1.3. The different approaches to quality management include the use of six sigma and Lean. Six is a quality management tool that ensures quality is maintained through reduced production variations. Lean is a quality management that ensures quality through control of resources and reduction of wastes to meet customer needs and wants (Williams, 2004). 1.4. The primary similarities between the two include the following. Both originated from Japan, utilized in project management and make use analytical tools. The other major similarity of both controls processes is to improve customer satisfaction. Improvement of the manufacturing process and project management are also other similarities(Charantimath, 2006). . The differences in both methods are as follows. While sigma six bases on zero defects, Lean focuses on waste removal. While sigma six focuses on the reduction of variations and improvement of processes, Lean is based on improving the flow of the process. The stages involved in six sigma are, define, measure, analyze, improve and control. On the other hand, the steps involved in sigma six are understanding customer value, value stream, analysis, flow, pull and perfection. While six sigma focuses on saving money, Lean focuses on the principles of reducing lead time. Six sigma aims at achieving business goals in order to improve financial performance while Lean reduces inventory through increased productivity and customer satisfaction. Six Sigma doesn’t involve everybody nor improve customer satisfaction without a systemized view. Lean works through reduced flexibility, and supply chain congestion that is not applicable to all industries. 3.1. Quality management can be measured through customer feedback. Customer feedback is measured by customer complaints, damage control actions taken to products, number of reworks done for a product, written off inventory and

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Global competition study of Accor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

Global competition study of Accor - Essay Example The rate of growth within the hotels and motels industry has been described as a generally promising one (Accor, 2013). As exhibited in figure 1, from 2009, the industry has recorded increase in industry value. The recorded growth notwithstanding, Hospitality Net (2012) lamented that the overall growth has been saturated around very few competitors. This means that until an individual company within the industry performs extraordinarily well, it would find itself within a growing industry but will not really be part of this growth. This is the reason it is extremely important and relevant that the current research be undertaken with the aim of analysing the strategic competitiveness of Accor. The selection of Accor is also of interest because it is considered as one of the leading contributors of the industry’s growth (Accor, 2013). It is therefore important to study the company so as to find ways in which the company can maintain its current competitive position within the industry. Accor is headquartered in Paris and a member of the Paris stock exchange with an operating ticker of AC. Due to its key financials, Accor is regarded as a major global hotel operator (Hotelier News, 2014). Among the 92 countries in which Accor operates, Europe is its largest market with nearly 3,576 hotels and 461,719 rooms in Europe alone (MarketLine, 2014). The target markets of Accor have been largely influenced by its two major segments which are hotels and other businesses. Under the hotel segment, there are targets with luxury, upscale, mid-scale, and economy target markets. As far as other businesses segment is concerned, there are target markets for corporate departments and casinos (MarketLine, 2014). Table 1 gives the key financials of the company from 2009 to 2013. When the key financials of Accor is graphically represented, it is possible to get the real impulse of why it is important for the project to be carried out. This is because the graph in

Monday, September 9, 2019

MGT 501 Mod 2 SLP assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MGT 501 Mod 2 SLP assignment - Essay Example This paper aims to project my reflection regarding my own personality traits as interpreted by the conducted test and its impact on overall effectiveness at work and overall career experiences. The Human metrics Jung Typology Test has also been undertaken to evaluate the peculiar traits that would help me in undertaking analysis. Following are the statistics provided as the test result: You have  moderate  preference of Extraversion over Introversion (33%) You have  slight  preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%) You have  marginal or no  preference of Thinking over Feeling (1%) You have  slight  preference of Perceiving over Judging (22%) (HumanMetrics, 2013) As per the results of the test, I found out that I am 33% of extravert, 12% institutive and perceiving is 22%. Also, my thinking capacity in complex decision ordained situations is 1%. As per the results, it is evident that I am a person who likes to socialize with people because they will motivate me the mos t. In other words, I would put more effort in teaming up with other individuals at work so that the end product is achievable by the team as a whole. This accomplishment of the team would furthermore enthrall the motivation level within me. This means that I am more likely to be effective at workplace when I am associated in a group combination. This also proves me as a person who does not want to keep ideas to myself. I am rather an expressive person who can undertake tasks of presentation which is one essential component in management career (Chatfield, 2007). Since I am not judgmental as per the score I have received after the test, it is probable that I can undertake risks and challenges. I believe that it is important to be versatile when it comes to work. In this way, I can learn a lot of things which will play as a motivational point for me. Limiting work is called the limitation that one puts against the better opportunities. Also, the aspect of judging can also be taken in terms of the coworkers I would work with. If a person becomes judgmental about the coworkers then it is more likely that adjustment to the team or group task would become difficult. Perceiving will make my working experience effective because one person is able to perceive people and environment by undergoing facts and in depth peculiarities (Semler, 2001). Another factor that makes my working effective or more likely to help me undergo progress during my career experience is intuiting. I am not among those who would sense things by undertaking an in depth analysis of the data and fixtures. I am more into inclining towards the patterns in which things would work. There are times at work when a person is expected to make decision based upon a precise analysis. In that case, I am sure that I can excel and make rather correct decisions. I rely more on my gut feeling which is advantageous for people who are in financial market (Karsten, 2006). My weakening point which might stop me to p rogress in terms of career is the decision making skills. As per the personality scoring, I have understood that I am more of a person who would think emotionally. I am quiet aware of the fact that practical life needs many decision making check points. One has to be practical rather than being emotional because it does not involve relationship (D'Almeida, 2007). I also believe that workplace is more of a station where you have to compete with others and make sure that even if you are working in a team, you are able to make sure that your commitment to the task leader is

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Good Morning, Vietnam; Good Night, Reality Essay

Good Morning, Vietnam; Good Night, Reality - Essay Example The film is fairly accurate in what it does portray: Croanuer is a hot-shot Deejay brought in to entertain (and thereby distract) the troops and is welcomed by his peers while several of his superiors are nervous about his lack of respect for authority. Cronauer blends well enough in his new environment, even taking on a class teaching Vietnamese - although this is to meet a love interest. He befriends the girl's brother, Tuan, fighting to get him into the locally owned G.I. Bar Jimmy Wah's. Cronauer is supended from the air when he ignores the censor by announcing the subsequent bombing of Jimmy Wah's. After his return to radio, Cronauer goes into the field to do remote interviews, unknowingly walking into enemy occupied territory. Tuan finds and rescues Cronauer, who returns to find that he is be reassigned to a different location, due to his involvement with Tuan, who proves to be a Vietnamese guerilla. After bidding farewell to all of his acquaintances, Cronauer departs, while a taped broadcast of his farewell show is played to the troops. Sadly, the focus of the film proves very limited. Despite the film's entertainment value, the narrow locality of it's story (primarily in the radio station) does not allow for a more comprehensive view of American soldiers in the field, the shifting political situation or the political history, and makes almost no effort to recognize Vietnamese history and concerns. Part of this is explained by Sergeant Joe P. Dunn, of the 199th Infantry Brigade, 1969-1970; who completed his tour with the 1st Air Cavalry. He observes that there are three primary methods today of studying the Vietnam conflict: 1) Asianists, who are specialist in the history, culture, and so forth of the Asia, who treat American involvement "as merely one stage, in the long history and series of conflicts", 2) Americanists, who are primarily historians and focus on various aspects of American issues that led to U.S. involvement (although the Asianists denounce the absence of Vietnam history and culture in this approac h), and 3) Literature/Pop-culture, which Dunn contends too rarely have "the analytical tools of the historian and the political scientist." Good Morning, Vietnam proves to have a slight leaning to this second category, but an overwhelming influence by the third. How then does the film attempt to justify it's blatant entertainment orientation It does this through a small inserts of liberal efforts of social equality. Cronauer seeks to equalize the military hierarchy by constantly lampooning the upper echelon. Likewise, Jimmy Wah's, a place where there has been a small measure of cultural acculturation in so far as the Vietnamese are benefiting from American presence (and exploitation), is the only real battleground in which Cronauer struggles for Vietnamese equality, i.e. the right to patron the bar. Unfortunately, the Vietnamese is only lightly touched upon by Tuan and his sister, and then only in lamenting the impact of America on an already war-torn culture.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Bank of America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bank of America - Essay Example Up to that point, this was the largest acquisition deal in the banking sector. After the acquisition by Nations Bank of Bank America, the Bank of America emerged and, while it was technically an acquisition, this deal had a structure similar to that of a merger (James & James 34). After the Chairman and CEO of the Bank of America Hugh McColl resigned, his successor Ken Lewis focused the bank’s attentions on efficiency and financial discipline, which was in contrast to earlier expansionary acquisition and merger strategies pursued by McColl. However, in 2004, the Bank of America acquired the National Processing Company from National Corp for some $1.4 billion, renaming it BA Merchant Services (James & James 37). National Processing Company was at the time engaged in the processing of MasterCard and VISA transactions. As a result of this acquisition, this company now processed at least one in every six MasterCard and VISA transactions, while also expanding the Bank of America’s share of the financial solutions market, especially for healthcare and travel companies. In addition, the bank also acquired FleetBoston Financial in 2004 for some $47 billion, which was aimed at aiding the Bank of America to attain market share in the United States’ northeastern region (James & James 38). This solidified its position as the bank in the United States with the highest FDIC-rated deposit market share with over $513 billion in deposits. This placed well the Bank of America ahead of JP Morgan Chase-Bank One and Wells Fargo & Co, which had deposits of $353 billion and $228 billion respectively as of the year 2003 (James & James 39). The Bank of America also announced the acquisition of MBNA, a credit card giant, for $35 billion in stocks and cash. This deal was given the final approval in December of 2005 by the Federal Reserve Board, which gave the green